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Properties of forces:

Structural forces.

Properties of forces – There are three types of properties of forces in structural analysis. To begin with, architects that plan and design structures for housing or construction projects have to be the ones that quickly and completely, at the same time, neatly solve any problem they come across.

Moreover, an architect or structural engineer is in charge for maintaining the structure under the effects of anticipated forces. structural forces.

Three properties of forces during analyzing structures:

  • Magnitude.
  • Direction.
  • position.


The force applied to the structure.

Structural Forces:


It mentions which way the force comes from. For example, a high wind is acting in opposition to the side of the building. In the direction of gravity, the weight of a sudden, heavy downpour is acting downwards. So, out of which, we learn various systems of materials are needed to act against various sorts of forces. structural forces.


On which position the force acts. An architect or structural engineer must evaluate the nature of effects of expected forces on each and every area part of the building.


There is a major thing the architects or structural engineers think of. It is greatly important to consider the stability and strength of a structure as well as its each parts. Structural engineers use the tool ‘Structural analysis’ in order to evaluate the effects of the forces which act on any part and structure of the building.


The structure should have the ability to bear the combination of forces. structural forces. structural loads.

There are three major types of loads that a structure should be able to withstand.

Structural Forces; Structural Loads:

Dead loads:

Dead loads refer to the stationary items such as fixtures and structural elements.

Live loads:

Live loads refers to the weight of goods or people in a building. (Ex: furniture and traffic)

Environmental loads:

Environmental loads refer to the wind, earthquake, and downpour that have influence on building indirectly or directly. External forces are considered as environmental loads. structural forces. structural loads.


The success of a structure rests on the mechanical properties of the materials. And from which the structure is constructed. The mechanical properties consist of:

  • Strength.
  • Elasticity.
  • Plasticity.
  • Toughness.
  • Malleability.
  • Ductility.
  • Hardness and
  • Brittleness.

Structural members:

Structural members are the chief load bearing elements of a building. Every individual component has its structural properties. Architects or structural engineers should consider these properties before designing a structure. structural forces. structural loads.

  • Columns.
  • Beams.
  • Retaining walls.
  • Roof trusses.
  • Footings and
  • Concrete slabs.


This structural element has two names. We can call it column or pillar. Columns transfer the weight of the structure to other structural elements through compression. Columns are designed to resist the forces.


Beams are structural members. They are used for withstanding loads. Typically, they are used for countering vertical loads, bending moments, and shear forces.

Structural Forces:

Retaining walls:

Gravity walls or retaining walls depend upon concrete, stone, or other materials that have heavy weight. It is to resist the pressure.

Roof trusses:

We use roof trusses in all sorts of construction. We can use it for commercial, residential, agricultural, and so on.


We have to give great importance to footings. It performs a major role in basement construction. Typically, footings are made of concrete having rebar reinforcement. The main purpose of footing is to prevent settling and support the foundation. Especially, the troublesome areas need footings.

Concrete slabs:

This structural element is usually made of reinforced concrete. Slabs help transmit the loads to beams.


Explanation of each structural elements in another blog. (internal link)